Get Involved

make it your church

Opportunities for Involvement

Looking for opportunities to use your time and talents to support the Lord’s work St. John’s? There are many ways to get involved, serve your neighbor, and connect with others in our congregation.

If you’d like additional information about any of the service opportunities you see here, please contact the church office or email us.


Liturgical Assistants
High school youth assist with Divine Services as  acolytes
Assist during services with seating, distribution of bulletins, and gathering of the offering.
Welcome worshipers as they arrive for services.
Altar Guild
Prepare for and clean up after communion, and maintain and change the altar paraments.
Members can sign up to provide flowers for the altar.

Christian Education

Sunday School Teachers
Teach a Sunday School class from 9:45-10:45 a.m, Pre-K-12
Vacation Bible School
Assist with set-up, registration, crafts, games, small group leadership, music, teaching, and food during Vacation Bible School, held for one week each summer.
Youth Group
Assist with youth group activities.

Elected and Appointed Leadership

Voters Assembly
Guides and authorizes the work of the congregation through the Church Council and boards; communicant members of the congregation age 18 and older are eligible to join.
Board of Elders
Assists the called staff with the spiritual needs and the worship life of the congregation; elected from the Voters Assembly.
Board of Education
Assists with ministry to children and high school youth as well as Christian education activities of the congregation; elected from the Voters Assembly.
Youth Ministry Team
Appointed volunteers assist the called staff in planning and carrying out events for the high school youth of the congregation.
Board of Missions & Evangelism
Guides congregational efforts in missions and evangelism; elected from the Voters Assembly.
Board of Christian Stewardship
Guides and oversees the financial assets of the congregation and promotes scripturally-informed stewardship of God-given resources; elected from the Voters Assembly.
Board of Trustees
Oversees the maintenance and upkeep of the physical property of the congregation; elected from the Voters Assembly.
Digital Communication Team
Volunteers oversee communication on the web, including the church website and social media.

Fellowship & Service

Women’s League (LWML)
women of all ages join together for fellowship, service, and Bible study in affiliation with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML).
World and Domestic Missions
Quilts, health kits, and school kits are made and assembled locally to be distributed throughout the world by Lutheran World Relief.
Funeral Luncheons
Provided as a service by the Women’s League.
Provided by the Women’s League for anniversaries, weddings, etc.
Nursing Home Visits
Volunteers share company and devotions with nursing home residents on the second Thursday of each month.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship
Centered in the divine service and Sunday morning Bible study, the high school youth also come together for social and service events 
Junior High Youth Group
Youth in grades 6-8 meet for fellowship activities.

Groundskeeper                                                                                                                                                 Help take care of the grounds by mowing and weeding.


Instrumental and Solo Voice Music
Members are encouraged to make their instrumental and voice skills known for service to the congregation.
Play for weekly, lenton and advent services throughout the church year.